Sunday, September 30, 2018

Assignment submitted

Assignment completed and submitted.
It turned out great!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Making progress

I selected two theories & the "story" I wanted to tell, then started working on draft 1 of the paper. So far, so good....

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

More research....

I am still searching for articles and reading up on marketing theories. I need a plan/approach for the assignment.

I like the valuation and portfolio theories because those theories are from finance (I have a MSF degree). I also like the consumer behavior/preferences/decision-making theories. Those remind me of my mega-paper on online reviews. Maybe I could use some of the theories from that paper. I will review the paper.

(click images to enlarge)

Document (for the assignment) created in Google Docs:

I may end up updating the document from my phone. Not sure how the syncing works - the updates may not appear in the web version.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

So far so good

I started searching for and reviewing marketing theories....


Some of the theories are not "core" marketing theories but could be applied to marketing. Very interesting. I need to read more....

Week 6 assignment

The topic for the week 6 assignment is marketing. I think I like the assignment -- sure seems like a lot of work though. More theory analysis required. Also a proposal. A lot of work. I will get started.

(click image to enlarge)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Finding resources

Finding resources (books) at the library....


I am at the library. I decided to find some more resources on operations research/management models & theory. So far so good....

I am looking into some articles my Google search returned.

I am feeling good about my last grade....past Bs into A.

Started working on the presentation

I need to prepare a presentation for the week 5 (this week's) assignment. I am working on content for the slides & flow of the presentation....

Most of the work completed "offline" (with pen and paper).

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 4 assignment submitted

I could not finish on Sunday. I continued to have computer access issues on Monday, but managed to complete the assignment on my new phone. Assignment now submitted!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Work continues Sunday 9/16

It is a very busy day at the library. I hope I finish my assignment (the type-up, editing, and so on) today. It is coming along okay.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Work continues

This is a challenging week, but I will try to get my work done. I need to hold on to the reins....while I try to steady/calm the storm around me.

I continue to read my selected articles....

The second is a long one, but very interesting. Who knew mutual funds provided a "rare window" or unique opportunity to test a theory (that provides info on the effect of organizational structure on performance)?

Friday, September 14, 2018

Reading the articles....

I am currently reading the journal articles I selected for the week 4 assignment. I find them very interesting. I just prepared notes one one of the articles....

(click to enlarge)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Week 4 assignment...journal articles

I started working on the week 4 assignment yesterday. I wanted to read more on organizational behavior before selecting articles for the paper.

My Facebook post yesterday 9/11:

A lot has happened since that post. I am now back to working on the assignment....

I just decided on three articles.


Some of my recent (in-person) library activity:


Monday, September 10, 2018

Paper finally submitted....received feedback on week 2 presentation

I finally submitted the

I like the course. I am learning a lot But everything feels rushed & I feel pressured all the time. This is because of the resource constraints I am dealing with right now (issues with my laptop - need to use library resources, need to read an entire book for the assignment, and so on). I hope it gets better. I am working on solutions.

The week 3 assignment:

Included here:

Feedback on the week 2 assignment:

(click to enlarge)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Paper in progress....

The paper is coming along nicely. I like it a lot! I removed innovation from last week's slides....I get to cover innovation this week.

My computer time is almost up. The library closes in an hour. I hope I finish this paper today.

What I have so far:

Saturday, September 8, 2018 company

I did not obtain/find all (a lot of the) desired information on HR at NY Transit, Department of Buses. I did not want to call the organization to submit a formal request. I am sure such requests take at least a week to process. I need to submit the paper in a few days. I thought of interviewing someone over the phone, but didn't want to (did I mention that I once interviewed for a job there?)

So I had to come up with another company. I am working on the assignment now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

New assignment: week 3 assignment

The week 3 assignment deals with human resources. I have to select an organization for an analysis of HR strategy and so on.

I thought about an organization for a while. I decided on the Department of Buses, NYC Transit -- selected because I know driving a bus is a challenging position. I see the notices informing the public that assaulting a bus driver is a crime. I am sure policies and procedures have to cover breaks, time off, breakdowns, and so on. Maybe it is complex. Hopefully, I will obtain the information I need.

Off to a great start!

Submitted paper & presentation

The submitted assignments now available in ResearchGate and!

Links -

Week 2 assignment (presentation on leadership theories):

Presentation includes my diagram comparing three included theories....

 (click to enlarge)

Week 1 assignment (paper on importance of ethics using the example of Wells Fargo)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 2 assignment submitted

Assignment submitted. The Labor Day holiday affected things. The assignment still turned out great!
Very interesting topic.